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Alfons Jitterbit – Countdown to Chaos

Original title: Alfons Zitterbacke - Das Chaos ist zurück
German title: Alfons Zitterbacke - Das Chaos ist zurück
93 min
from 7 years
2019 | Chemnitz Festival Premiere
Direction: Mark Schlichter
Script: Mark Schlichter, Anja Flade-Kruse, nach dem Buch von Gerhard Holtz-Baumert
Cast: Devid Striesow, Tilman Döbler


2019 | German Focus

Additional Information
Christof Wahl
Claus Wehlisch
Egon Riedel
X-Filme Creative Pool

Alfons Jitterbit is unlucky. “Jitterbit, chicken shit!” – call boys from school after him. No wonder the eleven-year-old wants nothing more than being a “normal boy”, just like his parents want him to be. The boy has too much imagination and too little muscle, says his father. Alfons only dreams of becoming a famous astronaut like Alexander Gerst and his first officer Sergej Krumov, who are depicted on the huge poster hanging in his room and whom he tells all his worries. When a competition “for inventions that are groundbreaking for our aviation vision of the future” is announced at school, Alfons knows what to do. Together with his best friend Benni and his new classmate Emilia he wants to construct a water rocket and win the competition. But as always, there are some obstacles in the way of the unlucky boy. Not only does nasty Nico steal his idea, headmistress Dr. Girzig and class teacher Flickendorf give Alfons a hard time after a “little chemical accident”.

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