The Most Beautiful Girl in the World
Original title: Das schönste Mädchen der Welt
German title: Das schönste Mädchen der Welt
Cyril has gained some fame at his school – unfortunately only for being “the biggest nose” far and wide. Not even his classmates sense that there is a real rapper behind what they see as an unspectacular façade. One who happens to come off as the winner in the secret battles of his city, who makes the audience scream and amazes the girls. This only changes when Roxy joins the class and attracts attention by her cool sayings and her wild blond hair. She fascinates Benno, for example, whose ego is as big as his father’s well-stocked wallet. Or Rick, who is not so bright, but a good-natured guy. In the end, maybe even Cyril, who is intrigued by the girl’s relaxed, quick-witted nature. But Rick seems to be the one who wins Roxy’s heart. With the guitar in his hand and his shyness, he appears to be the brilliant rapper poet with the golden mask. Roxy does not suspect that it is actually Cyril who would take up every fight for her.