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LOMO - The Language of Many Others

Original title: LOMO - The Language of Many Others
German title: LOMO - The Language of Many Others
101 min
Germany, France
from 15 years
2017 | Chemnitz Festival Premiere
Direction: Julia Langhof
Script: Thomas Gerhold, Julia Langhof
Cast: Lucie Hollmann, Jonas Dassler


2017 | German Focus

Additional Information
Michal Grabowski
Thomas Krause, Halina Daugird
Torsten Reibold

“You are a single surprise,” says father Michael, a successful and well paid architect, to his son. Karl is hardly interested in anything beside his blog “The Language of Many Others”, in which he unscrupulously posts private shots of his family. In contrast to his ambitious twin sister Anna, who has already applied for communication and management studies in Canada, he has no plans for his future after leaving school. When Karl falls in love with the new classmate, his life suddenly feels “quite different”. But Doro does not want a firm relationship and certainly not to be his “official” girlfriend. When Karl wants to put an end to this secrecy, she breaks off with him right away. In revenge for it, he puts an intimate video of them online, thus setting off an avalanche of unimagined proportions: Doro’s mother, in her function as the Senate Director of Construction, withdraws an important order from his father thereby jeopardising his company, while the numerous followers of his blog start to massively interfere with Karl’s life.

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