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Heart of Stone

Original title: Das kalte Herz
German title: Das kalte Herz
119 min
from 12 years
FSK: from 12 approved
2017 | Chemnitz Festival Premiere
Direction: Johannes Naber
Script: Johannes Naber, Christian Zipperle, Steffen Reuter
Cast: Moritz Bleibtreu, Frederick Lau


2017 | German Focus

Additional Information
Pascal Schmit
Ben von Grafenstein
Oliver Biehler
Schmidtz Katze Filmkollektiv, Studio Babelsberg

Once the people of the Black Forest believed in good spirits. But now they want to dominate nature and only bring poverty into the country, while only few people wallow in money. Peter Munk, a poor charcoal burner’s son, has fallen in love with Lisbeth, the daughter of a wealthy glassmaker. In order to win her heart, he turns to the little glass imp. As a Sunday child, Peter is granted three wishes. So he asks the good forest spirit to give him as much money as the rich wood merchant Etzel has, to make him dance floor king and to provide him with a big glass factory. His wishes are too rash, so they do not bring the charcoal burner’s boy good luck. Soon he has run out of money and cannot pay the 500 guilders Lisbeth’s father charges for the marriage. In his distress, Peter turns to devilish Dutch Michael, a woodcutter who was once banished from the community and now lives in a dark cave. He promises Peter eternal wealth if he exchanges his good-natured heart against a heart of stone...

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