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Shifting the Blame

Original title: Schuld sind immer die Anderen
German title: Schuld sind immer die Anderen
93 min
from 15 years
FSK: from 12 approved
Direction: Lars-Gunnar Lotz
Script: Anna Maria Praßler
Cast: Julia Brendler, Edin Hasanovic, Marc Ben Puch, Pit Bukowski, Natalia Rudziewicz


2012 | German Focus

Additional Information
Jan Prahl
Julia Böhm
Sea + Air
ARTE, SWR, FFL Ludwigsburg

“We respect ourselves and everyone else. We do not hurt anybody – neither by word nor by action.” – These are two of the many rules in the “Forest House”, an open penal institution for juvenile offenders, where Ben, who was imprisoned in a juvenile detention centre due to a number of robberies and grievous bodily harm, is given a unique opportunity for a new beginning. Together with six other young offenders in the family community, he is here to learn social skills, take responsibility for himself and others, and reflect on his past. After initial difficulties, Ben accepts the strict rules of the “Forest house” because he does not want to go back to prison on no account. But one day, social worker Eva comes back from a cure and Ben recognizes her as one of his victims. He did not only rob her, but also maltreated her severely. Ben has never been shown remorse. Eva, however, does not know he was involved in the brutal attack. And yet she suspects something, first she recognizes one of Ben’s statements, and finally she even finds a hidden photo of her daughter with him. And while Eva is still plagued by her terrible memories, Ben learns what dire consequences this act of violence had for Eva and her family. For the first time in his life, he has a bad conscience.

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