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Single by Contract (Groupies Never Stay for Breakfast)

Original title: Groupies bleiben nicht zum Frühstück
German title: Groupies bleiben nicht zum Frühstück
99 min
from 10 years
Direction: Marc Rothemund
Script: Kristina Magdalena Henn, Lea Schmidbauer
Cast: Anna Fischer, Kostja Ullmann, Inka Friedrich, Amber Bongard


2011 | German Focus

Additional Information
Martin Langer
Alexander Dittner, Hans Funck, Sebastian Thümler
Gerd Baumann
Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, SamFilm GmbH, Filmfernsehfonds Bayern, Filmförderungsanstalt Berlin

Self-confident Lila has just returned from an exchange year in the U.S.. Shortly after her arrival in Berlin, she meets attractive Chriz in the Botanical Garden and falls in love with him. However, she has no idea that Chriz is the lead singer of "Berlin Mitte", one of the most popular German bands, and causes states of true mass hysteria among his female fans including her younger sister Luzy. Chriz has also got it bad. He is fascinated by Lila who does him good just thanks to her naturalness. Unfortunately, he has signed a contract obliging him to stay single in order not to disappoint his female fans. And band manager Paul insists on it, of course, not entirely selflessly. The events come thick and fast and while Chriz is torn between career thinking and his feelings for Lila, Lila has to defend herself against paparazzi and intrigues of jealous "Berlin Mitte" fans.

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