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The Devil's Kickers

Original title: ie Teufelskicker
German title: Die Teufelskicker
111 min
from 8 years
Direction: Granz Henman
Script: Granz Henman, Christoph Silber, nach dem Buch von Frauke Nahrgang
Cast: Henry Horn, Cosima Henman, Dario Flick, Marvin Schlatter, Kaan Aydogdu


2010 | German Focus

Additional Information
Jörg Widmer
Jochen Retter

Shadows flit across the rooftops. The Rooftop Gang races through the city showing cool parkour tricks. They overcome any wall by doing somersaults, they kick the football with daring stunts and spectacular passes through the narrow streets and show passers-by what real street football is. Moritz is sitting in the classroom and hardly believes his eyes when Alex, the leader of the gang, is silently flying through the window into his classroom. Perhaps there is still hope! For after Moritz's parents separated, Moritz had to move to his grumpy grandfather Rudi with his mother. This means: a new city, new friends and a really difficult start. The only football club in the city rebuffed him. However, life without a round leather is no life for Moritz, the keen football fan. So he does not give up. On the school playground Moritz sets up a team including the Rooftop Gang. As “Devil`s Kickers” they dominate the city playing fields and cause a lot of excitement at the Cup tournament. Even the adults get enthusiastic. Rudi’s grandfather, who is actually quite OK, takes on the position of a football coach for the "Devil`s Kickers”. Moritz's parents, who suffer greatly from their separation, meet on the football field. Their nerves reach breaking point even before the kick-off.

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