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My Brother is a Dog

Original title: Mein Bruder ist ein Hund
German title: Mein Bruder ist ein Hund
96 min
from 8 years
Direction: Peter Timm
Script: Thomas Springer
Cast: Hans-Laurin Beyerling, Christine Neubauer, Marla Erich, Irm Hermann, Martin Lindow, Ellen ten Damme


2004 | German Focus

Additional Information
Achim Poulheim

All ten-year-old Marietta really wants is a dog. But her parents just don't want to buy her one because her little brother suffers from an animal hair allergy. With the help of a magic stone she fulfils her most fervent wish. Yet it's her little brother Tobias of all people who turns into the pet. A turbulent adventure story and mix-up comedy is developing from this constellation.

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