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The Blind Flyers

Original title: Die Blindgänger
German title: Die Blindgänger
88 min
from 10 years
Direction: Bernd Sahling
Script: Bernd Sahling, Helmut Dziuba
Cast: Dominique Horwitz, Ricarda Ramuenke, Maria Rother, Oleg Rabcuk, Dennis Ritter, Dieter Montag


2004 | German Focus

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Peter Ziesche
Karola Mittelstädt
Christian Steyer

Marie and Inga have been friends for a long time and experience the same problems and joys as other girls their age. Yet they are very different in one way. The two passionate music-lovers are blind. In the boarding school being blind is no problem. However, beyond this security, in the world of the "viewers", everything seems to be a bit more complicated. But the two 13year-old girls know quite well they'll have to cope with life out there. A meeting with Herbert, a young ethnic German immigrant from Russia, and a TV talent show become their first great challenge.

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