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Summer With Paul

Original title: Ein Sommer mit Paul
German title: Ein Sommer mit Paul
88 min
from 10 years
Direction: Claudia Garde
Script: Sebastian Schubert
Cast: Matthias Brandt, Max Schmuckert, Anna Thalbach, Samuel Finzi, Judy Winter


2007 | German Focus

Additional Information
Martin Farkas
Ingo Ehrlich
Jörg Lemberg

Paul and Raimond are partners. They perform together in a magic show. But Raimond’s best times are long gone. He used to fill big halls, whereas today he only just has some gigs in the old people’s home. Since his wife died his life has gone off the rails. He often takes to the bottle. Money is scarce and he seems to drown in self-pity and mourning. He declines all offers of assistance. However, he wants to be a good father for his stepson Paul. The twelve-year-old suffers a lot from this situation. He does household chores when his father lies drunk on the sofa again. He often writes letters to his dead mother to get the burden off his chest. When Paul has an accident, the youth welfare office takes notice of them. From now on Raimond has to endure regular controls. He soon realizes that he must change his life fundamentally if he wants to keep Paul. Only if he has the courage to face the past, he will be able to solve his problems and build up a future. But Raimond is his own worst enemy.

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