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Tough Enough

Original title: Knallhart
German title: Knallhart
98 min
from 16 years
FSK: from 12 approved
Direction: Detlev Buck
Script: Zoran Drvenkar, Gregor Tessnow, nach dem Roman von Gregor Tessnow
Cast: Arnel Taci, David Kroß, Jenny Elvers-Elbertzhagen, Erhan Emre, Inanc Oktay Oezdemir


2006 | German Focus

Additional Information
Kolja Brandt
Dirk Grau
Bert Wrede

15-year-old Michael moves from the Berlin noble quarter village Zehlen in the social focus Neukölln. In the new school he is classified as soon as light prey for the dreaded Erol and his gang. And so it also comes. He is beaten up and must pay regularly protection money, until Michael meets the drug dealer Hamal. He signs on him as a drug courier. Although Michael quite probably does not feel well, he takes part at the beginning. In the beginning everything goes well, but the situation steps up.

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