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The Witch Princess

Original title: Die Hexenprinzessin
German title: Die Hexenprinzessin
90 min
General - , -
Germany, Czech Republic
from 8 years
2020 | World Premiere
Direction: Ngo The Chau


2020 | German Focus

Additional Information

The twin princesses Amalindis and Zottel could not be more different: first-born Amalindis is dutiful and well-behaved; the second-born, called Zottel by everyone, is wild and closely connected to nature. Since Zottel is so different, King Goderic cannot stand her. But he has great plans for Amalindis, who attends to his every whim and fancy. She is to be married to prince Tanka to unite both kingdoms. But shortly before the wedding, Amalindis is kidnapped by three evil witches, who had made a secret pact with queen Lioba a long time ago. They helped Lioba to become pregnant on condition that after 18 years, the first-born child would belong to them. Now they urgently need the girl, who has magic powers and is supposed to help the oldest witch to rejuvenate. Against king Goderic’s will, Zottel sets out to free her sister. Her best friend, the wolf, later prince Tanka and also self-proclaimed witch-hunter Bero accompany her in this dangerous undertaking.

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