
You have the following 0 movies on your watchlist

Hello! Welcome at the registration for 29th IFF SCHLiNGEL. We are pleased to have you as our guest! Please read through the instructions carefully and check your answers for spelling errors. All questions marked with a star (*) cannot be left out. Please keep the following information in mind:

  • Audience-relevant screenings, taking place on weekdays(!)
  • Opening ceremony of the festival, on Wednesday 25th September
  • Closing and awarding ceremony, on Wednesday 2nd October
  • Exact screenings schedules are estimated to be ready after 9th September
Personal Information
Please ensure that first, middle and last name(s) are correct so they’ll be consistent with your flight ticket
Please upload your photo here (jpg or png). Used for accredidation only, this can be any picture e. g. selfie.
Gender as assigned in passport.
Please ensure that the document is valid at least until December 2024 (if citizen of EU: ID card number is valid as well).
Please enter the number with country code +XX (the number will be used when booking a ticket, i.e. you’ll receive all relevant information on your phone as well).
Additional Information
English speaking skills*

All Q&A’s take part in English language. Your English must not be brilliant to do so. Please let us know, how you feel about your own English speaking skills.

Travel Information
I am available the whole week (25.09 – 03.10.)*
if "no"
I'd have to bring a +1

Please note: SCHLiNGEL covers no costs for additional accompanying persons. No guarantee can be given, that there will be available options.

Privacy settings

We use several types of cookies and integrations on this website to provide you with an optimal online experience, to increase the user-friendliness of our portal and to constantly improve our communication with you. You can decide which categories you want to allow and which you do not want to allow (see "Custom settings" for more information).
Name Usage Duration
privacylayerStatus Agreement Cookie hint1 year
fe_typo_userIdentification of the current sessionEnd of session
vote_*Saving the tuning state to a video1 year
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_gaGoogle Analytics2 years
_gidGoogle Analytics1 day
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_galiGoogle Analytics30 seconds
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