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Original title: Emma, Dios y el fútbol
German title: Emma
80 min
Children´s Film
Mexico, Spain
from 9 years
2019 | European Premiere
Direction: Julio Bárcenas S.
Script: Adriana Pelusi
Cast: Silverio Palacios, Jorge Lan


2019 | Children´s Film

Additional Information
Christian Rivera
Sebastian Bell, Axel Ricco
FIDECINE, Bárcenas Nava

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” – Many young girls would probably answer this question with “princess or ballerina”. But ever since Emma was hit in the face by a ball during her communion, she has been firmly convinced that she will become a ‘saint’. Neither the nuns of her Catholic school, nor her parents can dissuade her from this idea. One day Andrés joins her class. He is not interested in faith and religion. Emma is flabbergasted and sees him as her first mission. In order to make friends with him, her football-mad dad teaches her how to play, so she even makes it into the girls’ team. During a visit to a stadium Emma realises that she can influence the game in favour of her favourite team by praying. In her everyday life as well, she notices that more and more situations develop according to her ideas, if she asks God for it. But this also has consequences. Emma has to learn that as a saint she cannot arrange everything according to her wishes and convince everyone of her faith.

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