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The Bears' Famous Invasion

Original title: La fameuse invasion des ours en Sicile
German title: Königreich der Bären
82 min
Animated Film
France, Italy
from 12 years
2020 | German Premiere
Direction: Lorenzo Mattotti
Script: Jean-Luc Fromental, Thomas Bidegain


2020 | Animated Film

Additional Information
René Aubry
Prima Linea

Juggler Gédéon and his young assistant Almerina travel through Sicily. They entertain people with their cheerful fairy tale of bear king Léonce and his son Tonio. One night they seek shelter in a cave and encounter a bear. In the glow of the fire, out of fear and to put the bear off, they tell the story of how Léonce and his horde set out into the valley of men in search of the missing bear prince. But there, a cruel count is reigning who has started a war to destroy the bears. His servant, sorcerer De Ambrosiis, infiltrates the bear army and wins Léonce’s trust. But neither magic, spirits nor trolls can stop the bears. The count’s castle is taken, the father finds his son, peace returns. But Gédéon and Almerina learn the rest of the story from the cave bear: a shadow of intrigue and greed endangers peaceful coexistence in the kingdom of bears and humans.

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