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The Club of Ugly Children

Original title: De Club van Lelijke Kinderen
German title: Der Club der hässlichen Kinder
95 min
Junior Film
from 12 years
2020 | German Premiere
Direction: Jonathan Elbers


2020 | Junior Film

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Shooting Star

“Keep it clean, tidy and spotless for our leader Isimo”, these are words children sing at school. Since the new president Isimo has been ruling the country, many things have changed. Everything has to be “clean”, which is controlled by security officers. Nevertheless, people cheer mighty Isimo, also Paul’s father, a famous journalist. Paul himself is a shy boy who prefers to wear a cap because of his protruding ears. One day he is allowed to go on a school trip together with four other children from his class. A black, windowless bus picks the children up. When all their mobile phones are collected, Paul becomes suspicious and flees with Kai, his classmate. From a distance they watch many such black buses arrive at an old factory ruin. In the evening, Paul's father reports on television that the government is taking care of all ugly children in the country. Now Paul realises why he and the other children have been “awarded” the trip. When he meets same-aged Sara and her “Club of Ugly Children” while on the run, he courageously takes up the fight against the president.

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