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Dilili in Paris

Original title: Dilili à Paris
German title: Dilili in Paris
92 min
Animated Film
France, Belgium, Germany
from 11 years
2019 | Chemnitz Festival Premiere
Direction: Michel Ocelot


2019 | Animated Film

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Nord-Ouest Films

Dilili is a clever girl with New Caledonian roots and part of a human zoo. Horrified by the glances and unjust treatments of the wise French due to her skin colour, she decides to turn her back on the ethnological exposition and stay in picturesque Paris of the Belle Époque for the time being. Here she meets delivery boy Orel, and they become close friends. When mysterious kidnappings of young girls frighten people in the city, the two set out searching for evidence. Through Orel’s contacts and his knowledge of the city, they meet a number of unconventional, famous personalities including Toulouse-Lautrec, Marie Curie, Monet, Emma Calvé and even Gustave Eiffel. Thanks to their help and observations, Dilili traces an entire conspiracy known as the “master men”. When she manages to unmask two of the crooks, she becomes the little heroine of the Parisian citizens. But this has serious consequences. Now Dilili also becomes the target of the master men and is eventually kidnapped herself in a treacherous ambush.

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