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Original title: Pigumim
German title: Scaffolding
93 min
Youth Film
Israel, Poland
from 15 years
2017 | German Premiere
Direction: Matan Yair


2017 | Youth Film

Additional Information
Green Productions

Herzliya, a small place just north of Tel Aviv: 17-year-old Asher has always been the impulsive troublemaker, from primary school, all through junior high and high school. It’s hard for him to  concentrate in class, and he is compelled by a lot of rage and violence; yet he is also endowed with a considerable amount of charm and street wisdom. While his strict father sees him as a natural successor to the family’s scaffolding business, Asher finds a different masculine role model in his gentle literature teacher Rami and is attracted by whose scaffolding of theories. The charismatic teacher wants Asher to graduate from high school and to enter university. So Asher forges a special connection with Rami. Torn between the different two worlds, Asher looks for a chance for a new life and new identity. When a sudden tragedy occurs, he has to take the ultimate test of maturity.

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