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Original title: Karatsi
German title: Die Loser
96 min
from 14 years
2016 | Chemnitz Festival Premiere
Direction: Ivaylo Hristov


2016 | Panorama

Additional Information

Elena, Koko, Gosho and Patso live in a small Bulgarian town and feel like losers and outsiders. “The world was made for losers”, they philosophize on the dilapidated railway premises, and „the cool guys live on another planet”. Yet they are not only losers but tough youngsters who face great challenges: Koko has to care for his grandmother suffering from Alzheimer’s while his parents work in Greece. Above all, he is unhappily in love with Elena. Elena constantly argues with her alcoholic mother and her mother’s changing lovers. At school she quarrels with her teachers again and again and dreams of a career as a singer. When the hip rock band “Kislorod” is to perform at the old cultural center of the city, Elena must attend this concert. But a ticket costs 20 levs. While Koko is trying to raise the money for two tickets, thereby getting into a conflict with the police, Elena is trying to flirt with the singer of the group, an aging womanizer, in order to get a gig...

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