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I Not Stupid

Original title: I Not Stupid
German title: Ich nicht blöd
105 min
Children´s Film
from 8 years
Direction: Jack Neo
Script: Jack Neo
Cast: Jack Neo, Xiang Yun, Richard Low, Selena Tan, Huang Po-Ju, Shawn Lee


2003 | Children´s Film

Additional Information
Ardy Lam
Li Yi

Kok Pin, Boon Hock and Terry come from different social backgrounds and are classmates in EM3. In Singapore, that means that at the age of 12, the government has decided that they are not as academically inclined as their peers. A lot of misunderstandings occur amongst the friends becuase Terry has been brought up to mind his own business and doesn't stand up for his friends. While the three children suffer from the pressure of school, their parents have another set of problems. Too stupid, that Terry always lets down his friends. When will he know that it is important to help anybody?

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