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Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass

Original title: Tôi thay hoa vàng trên co xanh
German title: Gelbe Blumen auf grünem Gras
103 min
Children´s Film
from 10 years
2016 | German Premiere
Direction: Victor Vu
Script: based on the original story "I See Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass" byl Nguyen Nhat Anh
Cast: Thin Vinh, Trong Khang


2016 | Children´s Film

Additional Information
K'Linh Nguyen
Christopher Wong
Galaxy Studio

Vietnam in the late 1980s. Twelve-year-old Thieu and his nine-year-old brother Tuong live in very humble circumstances in a small village. Actually, the two brothers get on well, but sometimes feelings like jealousy or envy occur. Since their parents have to work hard during the day, the children are often on their own after school. They spend their time with little adventures in the environment. Storytelling also plays an important role for them. When Thieu falls in love with his classmate Moon, his life changes tremendously since Tuong and Moon also spend much time together. In his jealousy he causes a tragic accident in which he injures the little brother. Tuong can hardly walk, but the yellow flowers, which mysterious princess Nhi leaves on the paths, eventually cause both brothers to make an effort to reunite and go searching for her. Finally, Thieu learns that his affection for his first love Moon has not been one-sided after all.

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