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The Little Bird Freak

Original title: Parandeh baz-e Kouchak
German title: Der Kleine Vogelnarr
77 min
Children´s Film
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
from 8 years
Direction: Rahbar Ghanbari
Script: Rahbar Ghanbari
Cast: Reza Naji, Mehdi Shahabi, Sylva Andriasian, Samira Alaie


2002 | Children´s Film

Additional Information
Hamid Khozouee-Abyaneg
Peiman Yazdanian

Behruz lives in a small Iranian town near Azerbeidshan. He is able to imitate the singing birds perfectly. Because of this skill he is hired by a bird seller to earn money for his family. His boss makes him hide under a big cage for selling his cheap birds at high prices thanks to the voice. Just a girl beyond the border for whom he feels a tender affection is cheated by him. When her mother tries to complain, the bird seller denies. But Behruz watches the sad eyes of his unknown girlfriend and starts to a dangerous journey to bring her a real feathered singer.

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