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Original title: Maya
German title: Maya
113 min
Youth Film
India, USA
from 14 years
Direction: Digvijay Singh
Script: Digvijay Singh
Cast: Nitya Shetty, Anant Nag, Mita Vasisht, Shilpa Navalkar


2002 | Youth Film

Additional Information
Mark Lapwood
Manesh Judge, Noorullah Lohdi

The 11-years-old Maya grows up protected and happy in an Indian normal family. With the same old Sanjay the swinging girl has a lot of adventures and a gentle friendship. But behind the modern front of the middle-class environment an archaic ceremony is going to be prepared with which the child should be taken into the state of women. During a temple celebration the priests steal Maya's sexual innocence in a violent way and under the cloak of religious rites. In vain Sanjay tries to protest against it. He is despairing because he will see his girlfriend who's personality is broken never again.

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