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Not Fair

Original title: Non é Giusto
German title: Nicht Fair
106 min
Children´s Film
from 9 years
Direction: Antoinetta De Lillo
Script: Mattia Betti
Cast: Maddalena Polistina, Daniel Prodromo, Valerio Binasco, Antonio Manzini, Lucia Ragni


2002 | Children´s Film

Additional Information
Cesare Accetta
Antonio Fresa

The 11-years-old Sofia and the 12-years-old Valerio meet each other by chance at the summerly Neapel. Their problems coming from the divorces of their parents are profound. Both children were pushed an pulled between their mothers and fathers without warmth and safety. The worst are the attempts of the parents to fake their children an intact world in spite they know it better. Sofia and Valerio feel hurt by this attitude. With the slogan "Not Fair" they start to face up to the world of the adults squarely. Their new friendship helps to overcome their fears and to trust the own power.

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