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Max, Sally and the Magic Telephon

Original title: Mach, Sebestová a kouzelné sluchátko
German title: Max, Sally und das Zaubertelefon
100 min
Czech Republic, China
from 7 years
Direction: Václav Vorlíček
Script: Miloš Macourek
Cast: Iva Janžurová, Stella Zázvorková, Jitka Molavcová, Petr Nárožný


2002 | Panorama

Additional Information
Ondřej Soukup

A crazy atmosphere rules in grandmother's house. Just Max and Sally with their magic telephone were run away from their TV cartoon world. Together with the dog Jonathan they cause a big mess. The wellknown rascal Ludvik is participated as well. They have to pass a lot of examinations until Lind from Peking and the queen of Savoy are allowed to go home.

Popular Czech cartoon characters, pushed in a life action comedy by "King of Fairy Tale Films" Václav Vorlíček.

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