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Original title: Fia og klovnene
German title: Fia und die Clowns
95 min
Children´s Film
from 8 years
Direction: Elsa Kvamme
Script: Elsa Kvamme
Cast: Klara Døving, Sergio Bini, Hanne Lindbæck, Minken Fosheim


2004 | Children´s Film

Additional Information
Kjell Vassdal
Tomas Täng
Geir Bøhren, Bent Šserud

If it’s difficult to have one mother, having two is like an earthquake. 8-year-old Fia has a principle: „Mom must not be sad.“ But always climbing and stealing is not the right thing as well. One day her world changes abruptly. The Police comes visiting and the Child Care People decide that clever Fia has to move to foster parents. At Nanna’s and Siggen‘s she even must start going to school. Terrible! Fortunately, Fia has a friend – her neighbour Bustric, a Clown and magician, who she hopes can help her with his magic to put her world back together again. Is she going to be away from her mom for three months?

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