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Little Big Girl

Original title: Ulvepigen Tinke
German title: Tinke - Kleines starkes Mädchen
92 min
Children´s Film , Panorama
2002 , 2004
from 8 years
Direction: Morten Køhlert
Cast: Sarah Jueal Werner, Peter Hansen Jeppe, Lisbeth Dahl, Erik Wedersøe


2002 | Children´s Film

2004 | Panorama

Additional Information
Bo Tengberg

The shepherd boy Laurus finds the nearly starved girl Tinke in the forest. The boy is fascinated by the foundling and takes it into care by the farmer's house. Tinke is accommodated by the farmer's wife friendly, but for the landlord himself she becomes more and more a provocation. He is glad to hear that the child has a wealthy origin. But Tinke is unable to live in the house of the grandparents furthermore becuase of its small-mindedness. The plot of the film is based on Denmark 150 years ago. But the problems of the free and independent grown-up Tinke in front of the ruling conventions seems very recently in amazing way.

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