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Mickybo & Me

Original title: Mickybo & Me
German title: Mickybo & ich
98 min
Children´s Film
2005 , 2020
UK, Ireland, Australia
from 11 years
Direction: Terry Loane
Script: Terry Loane
Cast: John Joe McNeill, Niall Wright, Adrian Dunbar, Julie Walters, Ciarán Hinds


2005 | Children´s Film

Additional Information
Roman Osin

The summer of 1970. Belfast is divided and the civil war blusters. The life is overshadowed by hate and fear. Mickybo and Jonjo hardly recognize this situation. The two boys escape from this world. Their idols are the Western heroes Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. They decide to be blood brothers for life and devise a plan, right after their example. The boys want to emigrate to Australia. At the beginning everything seems very easy. They flee the city, with a Sheriff's badge, one decaying human finger and armed with a loaded firearm. After their return they are confronted with realities of the catholic/protestant divide which taboos their friendship.

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