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The Story of Xiaoyan

Original title: Shang Xue lu shang
German title: Die Geschichte der kleinen Yan
90 min
Children´s Film
from 9 years
Direction: Fang Gangliang
Script: Zhao Dongling
Cast: Wu Xu, Ai Liya, Yang Shulin, Zhao Xua, Ren Huan


2005 | Children´s Film

Additional Information
Zhang Hao
Chang Feng

Little Yan from a remote village in northwest China likes going to school. But it has to be paid more tuition fee for the next school year. That isn‘t possible for her mother. So the girl bargains to earn the money. Anyway, education isn‘t very important for a girl and in addition she should marry early. Mother has already chosen a candidate for her. Nobody is interested in her wishes. And she doesn‘t like the boy, too. She learns bargaining to earn the money. To bargain with fingers is one of the business tradition in this region, a game rule. Finger bargaining is conducted hidden in cuffs, so no one else will know the price. After some failures Yan learns the language of the market.

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