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About a Girl

Original title: Die Boxerin
German title: Die Boxerin
105 min
German Focus
from 12 years
Direction: Catharina Deus
Script: Martina Klein
Cast: Katharina Wackernagel, Fanny Staffa, Manon Straché, Martin Brambach, Devid Striesow


2005 | German Focus

Additional Information
Birgit Möller

Somewhere in front of the gates of Berlin. The hopelessness has lay down on the inhabitants of the small town like a second skin. The girl Johanna, alias Joe, denies having any dreams, too. Not even the lousiest job they let her, she, who is regarded as unattractive and not flexible. Joe is forced to search something, that she really is able to do and what she believed in. And this is the dream, to become a boxer, like her father was. Finally she stands in the boxing ring and have to win her first boxing match.

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