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Guarded Secrets

Original title: Mélyen örzött titkok
German title: Spurensuche
89 min
Youth Film
Austria, Finland, Hungary
from 14 years
2005 | German Premiere
Direction: Zsuzsa Böszörmenyi
Script: Zsuzsa Böszörmenyi, Géza Böszörmenyi
Cast: Eszter Bagaméri, Anna Györgyi, Andrea Fullajtár, Deszö Garas, Ervin Nagy


2005 | Youth Film

Additional Information
Márton Miklauzič
Ferenc Darvas

Irma is 18 years old when she leaves the orphanage. All she knows about her past is that she was abandoned at birth. She has only one little information: A little picture in the cover of her pocket watch. Now she is pregnant. She has just got the first opportunity in her life: a job as a cleaning woman. And she has made the ‘best deal’ of her life: she will sell her unborn baby abroad with the help of a child-dealer. But who is she? Who was her mother? She begins to search for her mother whom she has never met, because she wants to pay her back for the grievances she has suffered. During her investigation Irma finds out that nothing is true of what she thought she knew. She is not who she believed herself to be. Everything is shrouded by mystery and secrets....

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