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Original title: Yugotrip
German title: Yugotrip
90 min
German Focus
from 16 years
Direction: Nadya Derado
Script: Nadya Derado
Cast: Stipe Erceg, Lena Lauzemis, Miranda Leonhardt, Zdenko Jelcic, Nadja Soukup


2004 | German Focus

Additional Information
Benjamin Dernbecher
Tino Derado

Dejan is a 26-year-old refugee from Bosnia living in Germany now. As a youth he experienced the first years of the war and has problems finding his way back to normal life. The images from the war torment him. His delusions are becoming more and more dominant. When he falls in love with Anna, he wants to escape from his "yugotrip". Yet this process is peinful. He has to realise that he was not only a victim but a culprit as well.

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