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The Ball Dress

Original title: Balnoje Platje
German title: Das Ballkleid
76 min
Children´s Film
Belarus (Weißrussland)
from 9 years
2004 | German Premiere
Direction: Margarita Kasimowa, Irina Woloch
Script: Fjodor Konjew
Cast: Jelena Boruschko, Nikolai Rajewskij, Violetta Nesterowitsch, Tatjana Bowkolowa, Marina Mogilewskaja, Anastasia Nemolajewa


2004 | Children´s Film

Additional Information
Alexander Abadowskij
Jewgenij Krylatow

After father's death Vika lives together with her sick stepmother Sofia. Always they are hard up. So they sublet one room of their flat to Sofia's niece. But the supposed lovely girl turns out to be a tyrannical cow, who treats Vika like a servant maid. Soon the dark goals of Sofia's domineering sister become clear: Sofia has to move into a nursing home and Vika into a orphanage. Then the beautiful big flat would be free for her ... But it happens like in a real tale: A good fairy appears who causes an unexpected surprise. Even the prince at the New Year's Ball who rescues Cinderella isn't missing. And the evil witch is left out.

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