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Thirteen Princess Trees

Original title: Shi san ke pao tong
German title: Thirteen Princess Trees
100 min
Youth Film
from 14 years
2007 | German Premiere
Direction: Lu Yue
Script: Lu Yue, Liu Ying, nach einem Roman von He Dacao
Cast: Liu Xin, Zhao Mengqiao, Duan Bowen, Chen Keliang, Zhong Ping


2007 | Youth Film

Additional Information
Xu Wei
Yan Tao
Liu Sola

Princess Tree Town is a dull and barren city. Feng Zi feels just the same for the local high school “PTSZX“- Thirteen Princess Trees. But except her, nobody else seems to notice or even to mind it. The teenager wants to make everything right in her life. But what is right? Feng Zi is looking for love and justice. She soon realizes that the world does not function this way. At home Feng Zi experiences hell. No one thinks she is capable of something and no one believes in her. School is not easy for her either. She fights for a good school-leaving certificate, which she finds very hard. Apart from learning she also trusts in her mascots - two steel knives. In the past she could always rely on them. In every situation. Over the years Feng Zi has adopted a cynicism that provides her with a thick skin and thus security, which she urgently needs. The way from the schoolyard to the road of adulthood frightens her. In addition, she discovers their feelings for the opposite sex. She stands between two boys – quiet Ali and vigorous Taotao. And there is still energetic Bao. Feng Zi, who is cynical and vulnerable, lonely and sensitive, tries to overcome her bewilderment and her fears.

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