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Make Sure that You Gain Ground

Original title: Sieh zu, dass du Land gewinnst
German title: Sieh zu, dass du Land gewinnst
83 min
German Focus
from 12 years
Direction: Kerstin Ahlrichs
Script: Petra Lüschow, Kerstin Ahlrichs, Frank Weller
Cast: Anna Maria Mühe, Susanne Bohrmann, Lea Mornar, Hansjürgen Hürrig, Niels Bormann


2006 | German Focus

Additional Information
Alexandra Kordes
Sonja Beager, Beatrice Babin
Tonbüro Berlin, Eike Hosenfeld, Moritz Denis

Nike lives with her father on a small farm near Hannover. Together with her best friend Suse she does an education at the foreign office. When Nikes father suffer from a heart attack, she takes the responsibility for the parental company. With a shock she notices that the farm stands almost before the concourse, and a large part of the harvest assistants engaged by the father lives illegally in Germany. When Nike developed a careful friendship to Milena from Bosnia, she stands before a basic decision which brings a lot of problems for Nike with it ...

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