My Name is Eugen (Rascals on the Road)
Original title: Mein Name ist Eugen
German title: Mein Name ist Eugen
The rascals Eugen, Wrigley, Baschteli and Eduard live in Bern and cook up a prank after the other. Therefore, Eugen and Wrigley have to go in the boarding school. However, they split and the rest immediately with. In Zurich they believe to find Fritzli Buhler, the "king of the rascals". From him they hope for valuable tips, especially for the legendary treasure of the Titicaca lake. For this one they look like crazy. An adventurous escape leads the four through half Switzerland, always presecuted by the concerned parents and the police. And not everybody who crosses theirs way is probably reflected to them. Do they find the treasure?