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Original title: Fly
German title: Fly
110 min
German Focus
from 15 years
2022 | Chemnitz Festival Premiere
Direction: Katja von Garnier


2022 | German Focus

Additional Information

20-year-old Bex is in prison due to an unfortunate accident and has to fight her way through a social rehabilitation programme. This is not easy for the provocative loner. The trainer Ava does everything she can to infect Bex and the other rehab patients with her passion for dance in order to form a group out of the many lone fighters, who should be fit enough both for a dance battle and for real life outside the prison gates. While Bex slowly opens up, she is especially attracted to her fellow dancer Jay. While the rehab patients gain more and more self-confidence, Bex is suddenly caught up in her traumatic past. The basic idea of the film was shooting an authentic story that takes the dancers’ attitude to life and their life stories seriously. Young, talented people serving a prison sentence for various reasons take part in a social rehabilitation programme and find a new meaning in life through their passion for dance.

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