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Captain Nova

Original title: Captain Nova
German title: Captain Nova
85 min
Junior Film
from 12 years
2022 | German Festival Premiere
Direction: Maurice Trouwborst


2022 | Junior Film

Additional Information

“We wanted too much, more than the earth could give us.” This is how Nova explains to her son the cause of the state of our world. Due to a devastating environmental catastrophe, the earth is nothing but a dry dust desert in the year 2050. Plants and animals have died out, natural water sources no longer exist. The former industrialist Simon Valk Jr. sends the 37-year-old jet pilot Nova and her flying robot ADD through a wormhole into the past. Her mission is to prevent the event that caused global warming to become unstoppable. But no one has considered the side effects of time travel. Nova crashes as a twelve-year-old in the year 2025. The teenager Nas finds the unconscious girl after the accident and brings her to safety, away from the authorities rushing to the site. Nova finds a friend and an ally in him, something she really needs. They both realise that adults do not take them seriously when they warn them of future disasters. Pursued by Claire, an agent of the Ministry of Defence, Nova and Nas must find a way to save the earth.

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