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My Very Own Circus

Original title: Mon Cirque À Moi
German title: Ein Zirkus für mich allein
100 min
Children´s Film
from 9 years
2021 | German Premiere
Direction: Miryam Bouchard


2021 | Children´s Film

Additional Information

13-year-old Laura grew up in a circus family and has been travelling in a caravan ever since she can remember. After her mother’s death, she has lived with her father Bill, a clown, and his mute assistant Mandeep. She also assists her father in his performances. But circus life is no picnic. Bill’s performances are often poorly attended, and on top of that, the clients beat down the fees. Laura has long wanted the family to settle down, so she could attend school regularly and to make friends. When they stay for a while with the circus couple Galoche and Guédille, Laura begins a semi-normal life including school and a friend called Justine. She lives nearby and raves about her private school, where there are not only great lessons but also many exciting extra-school activities. Laura would love to attend this school. Supported by her teacher, she prepares for admission against her father’s will. But a private school costs money, and Laura has to learn that her mother’s savings have been used

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