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My Sister´s Father

Original title: Der Vater meiner Schwester
German title: Der Vater meiner Schwester
87 min
German Focus
from 14 years
Direction: Christoph Stark
Script: Jochen Bitzer, Christoph Stark
Cast: Ludwig Blochberger, Katharina Schüttler, Christian Berkel, Johanna Gastdorf, Waldemar Kobus


2005 | German Focus

Additional Information
Jochen Stäblein
Thomas Osterhoff

The prospective cook Paul dreams of culinary creations and most of all to travel to India to visit the grave of his father. Till now he believes, that his father died on an expedition. The truth is, that Paul is the result of an infidelity. His father lives in the same town, is married for 20 years and has a 19 years old daughter. Paul prepares a meeting by chance with his daughter Susa to win him back for himself. But Susa falls in love with Paul without knowing who he is.

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